Demonology is the study of demons. Christian Demonology is the study of what the Bible teaches about demons. Closely related to Angelology, Christian Demonology teaches us about the demons, what they are and how they attack us. Satan and his demons are fallen angels, true and real personal beings who wage war against God, the holy angels, and humanity. Christian Demonology helps us to be aware of Satan, his minions, and their evil schemes. Here are some important issues in Christian demonology:
What does the Bible say about demons? The Bible indicates that the demons are fallen angels – angels who along with Satan rebelled against God. Satan and his demons now look to destroy and deceive all those who follow and worship God.
How, why, and when did Satan fall from heaven? Satan fell from heaven because of the sin of pride, which led to his rebellion against God. The actually time of the fall is not recorded in Scripture and may have occurred outside time as we know it, i.e. before the creation of the world and the creation of time and space.

Can Christians be demon possessed? We strongly hold to the belief that a Christian cannot be possessed by a demon. We believe there is a sharp difference between being possessed by a demon, and being oppressed / influenced by a demon. With all that is taking place in the world that makes us question whether or not we are in the middle of tribulation, one must look at the number of demonic cases in the world today and how quickly they are on the rise.
Revelation 12:9 is the clearest scripture on the identity of demons, “The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.” Satan’s fall from heaven is symbolically described in Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:12-15. Revelation 12:4 seems to indicate that Satan took one-third of the angels with him when he sinned. Jude 6 mentions angels who sinned. The Bible indicates that the demons are fallen angels who, along with Satan, rebelled against God.
Satan and his demons now look to destroy and deceive all those who follow and worship God (1 Peter 5:8; 2 Corinthians 11:14-15). The demons are described as evil spirits (Matthew 10:1), unclean spirits (Mark 1:27), and angels of Satan (Revelation 12:9). Satan and his demons deceive the world (2 Corinthians 4:4), attack Christians (2 Corinthians 12:7; 1 Peter 5:8), and combat the holy angels (Revelation 12:4-9). Demons are spiritual beings, but they can appear in physical forms (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). The demons/fallen angels are enemies of God, but they are defeated enemies. Greater is He who is in us, than those who are in the world (1 John 4:4).
Is there activity of demonic spirits in the world today? Considering the fact that Satan “walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8) and knowing that he is not omnipresent, it is logical that he would send forth his demons to do his work in this world.
Who / what were the Nephilim? The Nephilim (fallen ones, giants) were the offspring of sexual relationships between the sons of God and daughters of men in Genesis 6:1-4. There is much debate as to the identity of the "sons of God".
Christian Demonology:
S = Spiritual
W = Warfare
A = Assistance
T = Team
Paranormal S.W.A.T. Founded by Angela Ashton, Demonologist / Paranormal Scientist .
Our Group handles demonic cases as well as all other types of hauntings & paranormal activity. We also have qualified staff and Clergy available for cleansing and/or home blessings.
Email us at: .com
A Demonologist, is someone who has completed primary research within the field of demonology and has accepted their calling to devote their lives to the study of demonology and assist families needing assistance with demonic infestation. Demonologists for this group may be appointed by our S.W.A.T. Team or the Church (our Paranormal Priests) to assist with demonic activity. A Demonologist is NOT the same thing as Clergy and does not perform exorcisms. We do however work with clergy to have such acts performed as needed & we have a partnership with the Paranormal Priests that belong to our S.W.A.T. Team.
Our mission is to help home owners and paranormal groups who who are directly involved with demonic infestation cases or who have questions regarding demonic infestation. We do not perform exorcisms but we will however work with our clergy to get the help you need. We have a group of experienced Paranormal Priests available to assist you. Our groups investigate demonic cases and work with families to get the needed assistance during such a difficult and confusing time. Our group consists of experienced Demonologists, paranormal investigators and Clergy (the Paranormal Priests) who are here to assist you with what you're experiencing.
If you are an experienced Demonologist or group experienced with demonic cases, please email us with your credentials for consideration in this group. Please also include your group name, years of experience, contact info and states/areas which you cover. Members will be carefully selected based on experience and methodology.
If you are member of the clergy or in the field of psychology and are experienced in demonic infestation and possession/exorcisms and would like to join our group to assist our teams with these cases, please email us as well with your contact information, team name and areas/locations covered.
And last, but not least, if you are a home owner or person in need of assistance with a demonic issue, please email us with your location and case details. We will assign a professional, experienced team to assist you. There is never a fee for our services!
Thank you and God Bless You!
Get Educated before making your decision and KNOW YOUR ENEMY!

Here are some basic Guidelines and Information when dealing with demons:
Religious tests for the presence of demons:
Since demons generally don’t manifest when priests and investigators are present it can be difficult to know if a person is really experiencing preternatural problems. Religious tests are essentially using religious activity to force a reaction from the demons that reveals them. Religious tests have to be done in a way that the client is aware and approving of their use, but unaware of when they are used. This is done so as to avoid faking by the client type who merely seeks attention. Some religious tests for infestation might include:
- Saying deliverance prayers in your mind while walking through the home.
- Sprinkling holy water.
- Reading the Bible out loud (psalms works well).
- A house blessing
- The blessing of the threshold
- Saying deliverance Prayers out loud, or with the client.
- Hanging blessed holy objects or symbols in plain view in problematic rooms.
The religious tests for oppression can be more difficult since the demonic manifestation generally has moved to the client's experience only, or near them. These could include:
- Having the client apply holy water to their head before sleep, while they ask God to protect them from demonic dreams or influence in their sleep.
- Placing blessed holy symbols and objects in their bedroom to see if it stops attacks.
- Doing a thorough house blessing often causes manifestation or an attack on the oppressed victim either during the blessing or as soon as the clergy leaves.
Testing for possession can be dangerous and won't be described here. Please seek the counsel of experienced clergy.
Demonic infestation
Demonic infestation is when demonic entities either try to scare with typical “ghost” tricks or entice with spirit communication and eliciting sympathy. The infestation is usually a result of some kind of invitation, either by the current residents or a previous one, or from a curse or spell cast by a practitioner of black magic. The goal of the infestation is to increase awareness of the spirit, increase interaction with it, and finally start to control the life of the victim, or victims.A common trick of the demonic is to appear as the “ghost” of a loved one, sick child, or some positive figure such as a “wise spirit guide” or holy angel. These types of infestations often have their origins in spirit communication such as Ouija boards, séances, or other divination techniques. The apparently helpful or needy spirit will press for more and more communication and interaction. As they gain a psychological foothold in the person’s life they become more demanding and ultimately controlling and threatening.
Some of the phenomena can include:
- tapping or knocking noises on the walls or floors
- the sound of footsteps on floors or stairs
- disturbances in electronic equipment like digital clocks going backwards, appliances turning on or off, lights turning on or off
- the sound of voices or animal sounds in the walls, rooms, or outside
- fluids or other things appearing on walls or floors
- bad odors with no natural explanation
- black human figures that stand or move about
- black clouds that look like smoke that move about but don't dissipate
- small black shadows on walls or floors that move with no natural cause
Many of the specific complaints of demonic infestation are explainable. Look for natural explanations in the home or environment, including:
- Animals in the home or walls
- High electric fields from power transformers or bad wiring (these can cause hallucinations)
- High levels of Radon gas (a radioactive gas that comes from the earth into the basements of many homes that may cause hallucinations at high levels)
- Old or defective wiring
- Malfunctioning heating or air conditioning
- Neighbor's activity
You need to verify the phenomenon the client has complained of and document it in some form. Photos, video, and sound recordings can be very useful. If you determine that there are no natural explanations for the phenomenon you observe you should move to attempting a resolution to the phenomenon.
Resolution of demonic infestation generally involves these steps:
1. Education
- Talk with the client about the nature of demonic trickery so they will no longer be deceived into thinking they are helpless, that it is a ghost, it is their friend, or warrants their sympathy.- Talk with the client about their religious beliefs and spiritual life. Find out if they have been involved in the occult or other religious or spiritual activities that can invite the demonic in. If they have help them renounce this and confess it in the sacrament of reconciliation. Remove all objects and books associated with the occult from the home.
- Help the person understand that the foundation of their spiritual life (the Sacramental life) is essential for any lasting help to be achieved.
2. Clear out the evil spirits
- Have the house thoroughly blessed and possibly have a simple exorcism performed on the premises.
- If it is judged wise say mass/prayers in the home.
3. Fortify the family and home spiritually
- Place a blessed religious symbol in each room in plain sight.
- Encourage the person to develop a positive relationship with God and to strengthen their spiritual life.
Be aware that the process of infestation, either the lie of a “good ghost” or the instilling of fear through noises, often leads to the deeper problem of demonic oppression.
Demonic oppression
Demonic oppression is when the demonic problem becomes personal and interacts in a more focused way with one victim. The goal of demonic oppression is to put strain on the victim emotionally, psychologically, physically, and spiritually causing them eventually to “give in ” and accept more complete control from the demons. If a demonic infestation took the form of a helpful spirit that pretense is generally dropped while things progress. At some point the demonic have enough of a hold on the person’s life, mind and soul that they can afford to let the truth be known: they want to destroy the victim and have their soul damned, usually through suicide. This process can involve:
- Affecting the thoughts of the victim. This can take the form of paranoia, distrust of others, irrational beliefs, intrusive thoughts that seem to come from somewhere else. This is done to wear the victim’s sense of reality down and eventually make them more vulnerable. This could be normal psychosis.
- Affecting the sleep of the victim. The victim is often bothered by nightmares of a demonic nature, disturbed in their sleep so they get little rest, or waking to see things in their room. This is done to wear the victim down and make them fatigued. Of course sleep disorders need to be ruled out by a sleep study. See the wes bite for more information on sleep disorders.
- Causing the victim to “hear voices”, either in their head or in the room with them. The voices often encourage the victim to do negative things and avoid positive people. It is important to be sure these voices are not part of a mental illness or side effect of a medication or physical disease.
- Taking over the victim’s body in some limited way. The demons speak and interact with the victim’s body as if it were their own to some extent. In oppression usually the victim does recall what happens during these episodes as it is not full possession.
- Causing the victim to experience negative things when the perceive holy things (not being able to hear the words of someone praying, seeing scary images superimposed on holy images, etc.)
- Distorting the victim’s perceptions. This includes sometimes not perceiving words associated with God, such as Jesus, prayer, Church, Holy, etc.
- Touching the victim in various ways.
- Causing writing or occult symbols to appear on the victims body.
Depending on how far the oppression has gone it can be hard to communicate with the victim in a normal way. They may appear distant or “spaced out” when you talk about God or prayer. It is good to ask if they are hearing voices when they seem to not pay attention to what is going on around them. Always have a full medical work up done to be sure the symptoms are not medical or simply psychiatric.
The resolution of demonic oppression is often the same as infestation with deliverance prayers used in addition to the steps outlined above. It is possible to learn through attempts at intervention that what looked like oppression is transitory possession or full possession. Be prepared. There are many forms of deliverance prayers, most not approved as formal prayers of the Church. I would advise you to ask your ordinary what prayers they wish you to use.
Demonic possession
Demonic possession is rare. For every ten serious house cases you might see there may be one case of claimed possession. In some diocese there seems to be more cases of possession going on than in others.
Demonic possession is when the demons completely take over the lower faculties of the body (the physical body and the emotions). They can never take over the free will of the person, though while using their body they can certainly do things with it that that person wouldn't want. The periods of time when the person’s body is not under their control can be rare, frequent, or constant. When the person is in control of their body they usually hear the demons talking to them (and each other) in their head, threatening them and giving instructions on what to do or not do at all times. The person’s ability to actively ask for help will likely be severely curtailed by threats and punishments.
Resolution of demonic possession can be a complex and dangerous process and while it also involves education, casting the evil spirit out, and fortification afterwards, the details can't be summed up here. Please work with your Ordinary, Clergy and the Priests or experts they approve you to consult with.
Deliverance, Simple Exorcism, and Solemn Exorcism
Deliverance work is praying for, or requesting, intervention from Heavenly sources to remove evil affecting a person, or the effects of evil. Deliverance prayers can be said by laity or priests and they are used for situations where a person is being oppressed by evil forces, often demons. Deliverance prayers should be led by a priest with some experience in this area. Deliverance prayers should not be used where demons are actually manifesting in a person, except with permission from your Ordinary/Clergy.
Deliverance work is commonly done with a small group of people praying over or for an individual. The individual usually sits quietly and prays along with the people to have the negative influences removed from their life. Deliverance work is sometimes done for physical ailments, inner healing of traumatic memories, etc.
Deliverance prayers can also be said in a home where demonic infestation is taking place. If during deliverance prayer it becomes apparent that the person is possessed the process should be stopped and the case should be referred to the local ordinary. Trying to use deliverance prayers on a possessed person will usually only anger and inflame the possessing demon and make the situation worse. Trying to use deliverance prayers on a possessed person will very likely put you in serious danger and probably wont free them.
A Simple Exorcism for priests and laity was defined by Pope Leo XIII and can be used on locations or situations where the activity of the devil is suspected. Simple exorcisms are included in many prayers, blessings and sacraments. The simple exorcism should be used with great caution when it comes to people because it includes not only petitions for intervention but commands to the evil to depart. A Simple exorcism should never be used on a person except with permission from the ordinary. It can be used as a test of whether a person is possessed only with permission from the ordinary and this should be done by someone with some experience because once the demon takes over the body you need to know how to handle that situation.
A Solemn Exorcism is a formal ritual of the Roman Catholic Church that commands the evil in a person’s body to depart and not return. A solemn exorcism can only be performed by an ordained priest who is given permission by his Bishop (or Ordinary) to perform the Ritual. The solemn exorcism carries the weight of Christ’s Church behind the command. Lay demonologists would never use the Roman Ritual of exorcism.
Dealing with the possessed outside of solemn exorcism.
- It is preferable to have family members of the possessed present at all times, particularly if they are of the opposite sex from you. If the demon comes forward and attacks you this could be interpreted wrongly later when the demon disappears or family members walk in.- Words related to God or the Church are often not heard by the possessed. They might also become garbled in their perception. It is distressing to the possessed person to see a person’s lips moving but not be able to understand or hear what they are saying.
- Asking the possessed person in their human state about spiritual or theological issues could cause the demon to come forward and manifest in the person.
- If the demon manifests and attacks you, use minimal force to restrain the victim and be as gentle as possible. If they are truly possessed they will have as much strength as the demon wishes to create, so you may get hurt. Their strength is always limited by God, particularly when we act in faith, charity, and obedience. If we move as a mortal ego against the demon (not relying on God but challenging the demon ourselves) we may experience more of their strength and be harmed.
- If the demon manifests and talks to you do not answer its questions. Do not question it outside of the appropriate interrogation at the appropriate time. Do not respond if it taunts you. Do not react if it talks about your sins or secrets.
- If the demon manifests and you have no other choice ask for intervention from Jesus to subdue the situation until the appointed prayer session against that demon. There is not way to predict and control every situation when dealing with demons, we need the guidance and protection from God as we dynamically respond to each moment.
Dealing with backlash and spiritual attacks
“Then he went on to describe the double vision. It was not like seeing another table beside the real table or another wall beside the real wall. It was not a vision of eyes or a hearing with your ears or a touching with your hand. It was another level of reality. An exorcism sharpens your awareness of that reality, he said. You know what stands behind and around and beneath and above all that is visible and tangible. The intertwining cords of spirit appear everywhere. Good and bad spirit. Beauty and ugliness. Holiness and sin. God as a tremendous majesty. Personal evil is a formidable force. Nothing escapes those cords.” (Hostage to the Devil, page 454)“No one who, like me, conjures up the most evil of those half-tamed demons that inhabit the human beast, and seeks to wrestle with them, can expect to come through the struggle unscathed.” -Freud
Demons are a very dangerous reality that must be approached from a deep and solid spiritual basis. You simply will not understand this fully until you encounter a demon, whether in a person or disembodied. Once you do encounter one your world view will be forced to accommodate the presence of evil as an objective, personal, reality. This may make you feel mentally unstable or overwhelmed for at least a short time. You will never be able to go back to thinking of demons as an abstract idea or thrilling possibility.
It is very important to monitor the effects of working with demons and negative situations on yourself. People that work in direct human services are aware of this need to take breaks from the work and have colleagues to talk with, exorcists need to do the same. One priest used the analogy of radiation: if you are in a house with preternatural evil in it, it is like being exposed to radiation. You will not know the radiation is there or that you are being dosed with it, you only become aware sometime later when the effects are felt.
Spending time in stressful situations where there could be human and/or preternatural negativity can be damaging to you. Look for signs of stress: difficulty with sleep, increase or decrease in eating, loss of interest in the fun things in life, etc. If you are getting stressed or feel like your reactions are causing you to be biased, then take a break.
Inde Ab Aliquot Annis
On The Current Norms Governing Exorcisms
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
September 29, 1985
Translated by Father Gabriele Amorth, Exorcist of Diocese of Rome
Prot. no. 291/70; ASS 77 (1985): 1169-70; EnchVat 9, nn. 1663-67
Excellentissime Domine
For some years there has been an increase in the number of ecclesiastic gatherings which seek liberation from demonic influences, even though they are not properly and truly exorcisms. These groups, even when a priest is present, are led by lay persons.
Since the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has been asked what ought to be thought about this, this dicastry is of the opinion that all other ordinaries should have the following response:
1. Canon 1172 of the Code of Canon Law declares that no one is able to legitimately undertake exorcisms of the possessed unless expressed and individual permission has been obtained from the ordinary of the place (section 1). The canon also establishes that this permission ought to be conceded by the ordinary of the place only to priests who are distinguished in piety, knowledge, prudence, and integrity of life (section 2). Bishops are, therefore, strongly urged to see to the observance of these norms.
2. From these prescriptions it follows, therefore, that no member of the Christian faithful can use the formula of exorcism against Satan and fallen angels, extracted from that which was made law by Leo XIII, and even less are the able to use the entire text for exorcism. Bishops are to bring this to the attention of the faithful as it is deemed necessary.
3. Finally, for the same reasons, bishops are asked to be vigilant that -- for even cases in which true diabolical possession is excluded, diabolical influence nevertheless seems in some way to be revealed -- those who do not have the required faculty not serve in the leading of meeting where, in order to gain freedom, prayers are used which dignify demons by directly questioning them and in searching to make known their identity.
The announcement of these norm, however, ought not to keep the faithful from praying that, as Jesus taught us, they might be delivered from evil (cf. Mt 6:13). Finally, pastors ought to avail themselves of this occasion to recall what the tradition of the Church teaches about the proper function of sacraments and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the angels and the saints in the spiritual fight of Christians against evil spirits.
May I take this occasion to convey my great feelings of esteem for you, remaining your servant in the Lord, Joseph Card. Ratzinger, Prefect Translated to Italian by Father Gabriele Amorth, Exorcist to the Diocese of Rome in his Exorcist Tells His Story, [American Edition], Ignatius Press, San Francisco (1999), (translated into English by Nicoletta V. MacKenzie), pp. 189-90
Comments from Father Amorth Concerning Inde Ab Aliquot Annis
The above-cited letter warns against any direct dealings with demons and states that their name should not be asked by those who have not been granted the specific faculty to do so. The Acts of the Apostles report a particularly fitting event ... (of the consequences of acting without faculty to do so in the story of the Seven Brothers --Acts 19:11-20). (from An Exorcist: More Stories, [American Edition], Ignatius Press, San Francisco: (2002), (translated into English by Nicoletta V. MacKenzie), pp. 189-90 )
I will now explain some of that is forbidden and what is required, according to these guidelines (of Inde Ab Aliquot Annis).
• First, official exorcisms are not allowed; they are reserved exclusively for the exorcist. The same holds true for the exorcism of Leo XIII, even though it is now part of the public domain. The private use of such exorcisms is another matter; at least, this is how I understand the above-cited document.
• We must avoid addressing the demon directly and to find out his name and -- I add -- anything else. All other considerations aside, a direct dialogue with the demon can be dangerous to anyone who dares to initiate it without the due authorization of the Church, and therefore without her protection.
At the end, the document reminds one of the importance of prayer, the sacraments, and the intercession of the Virgin Mary, the angels, and the saints.... (from Exorcist Tells His Story, Ibid, pp.190-91)
Although Demonology falls into the paranormal field, it is still on a whole other level than your common paranormal case. Many investigators have found this out the hard way. Once you get into the field of Demonology, it’s not that easy to get out of. If this is a field that you think you may be interested in please think very carefully about it, pray about it, and talk with your family about it before deciding anything. This is not something that you can just jump into, or do simply because you find it “fascinating”.
If you are in need of a Christian Demonologist or a Paranormal Team experienced with Demonology, contact us.
"Paranormal S.W.A.T. Team"
If you are interested in becoming a Christian Demonologist, here are some words of caution. This is a very dangerous field. You are dealing with the diabolical. Nothing is beneath a demon. You must have a strong faith in God and Jesus Christ, and you must have a serious mind and personality. When you deal with the demonic you are not only putting yourself at risk, but your loved ones as well if you’re not careful.
Some Christian Demonologist, including myself, have at least one or two mentors, or people that have given or continue to give them guidance in the field. It is very difficult to learn everything you need to from just one person. That is simply because not all Demonologists study, or learn the same things and some may know more about a particular subject than others. Other than getting the proper help and teaching from the church, it also a great idea to try and get help and guidance from a willing, reputable, and experienced Demonologist.
To be a Christian Demonologist is not something you can do as a hobby. When a person becomes a Christian Demonologist it is usually because they feel they were called by God to do it. They have spoken with their family about it, prayed about it, and they also receive support, backing, and teaching from their church. This is a very dangerous field because of what you’re dealing with on a regular basis. Some Chrisitan Demonologist live pretty secluded lives, and do not have many friends. The friends they do have however are usually very close friends and understand and support them. It is a simple fact that most people do not truly understand how this field of work and study affects the Demonologist, or what it takes to do it.
There are however three basic requirements that most churches agree on when it comes to Christian Demonology. Number one, you should be a born-again Christian. Number two, you need to study certain subjects. Number three, you need to learn those subjects with the help of the church (The clergy), Ordinary (teacher).
When you are studying to be a Christian Demonologist you never really quit learning. This field of work requires constant learning, and studying, and there are no experts. The Catholic tradition for Demonology is the most popular because the Catholic Church pretty much established the field. The Catholic Church for example usually requires the person to be either clergy, or to be ordained once they have finished their initial studies into the subject. Some of the Catholic churches require the person studying to become a Christian Demonologist to write an essay type paper to make sure that they understand the field, etc. before being ordained.
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